
Elections and Endorsements Committee

This committee provides the primary point of contact for campaigns to coordinate activities, organizes get out the vote activities such as door knocking, voter registration drives and poll greeting on election days.

Social and Fundraising Committee

This committee is responsible for creating, organizing, and recruiting volunteers to work social events such as happy hours, outings, etc. This committee is also in charge of raising money for the scholarship fund and other committee projects.

Communications and Recruiting Committee

This committee recruits new members, communicates with current members and other interested parties through electronic and printed communications, as well as the media.

Data and IT Committee

Analyzes data such as voting results, provides basic programming of the website, and handles setup/takedown of technology during meetings.

Community Service Committee

Focuses on various community service projects such as the high school scholarship competition, candidate events, veteran outreach, food drives for the Shaler Area Backpack Initiative and other various community activities to better our township, county, state, and nation.  

If you would like to get involved in the Shaler Democratic Committee, please email
